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Metab Eng. 2005 Sep-Nov;7(5-6):437-44. Comparative metabolic network analysis of two xylose fermenting recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains. Grotkjaer T, Christakopoulos P, Nielsen J, et al.

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ATP production rate Maximum N/A -R01786-R04779+2.5*R01061+R01512+R00200+2.5*R00209
ATP production rate Minium -69.5 -R01786-R04779+2.5*R01061+R01512+R00200+2.5*R00209
NADPH production rate Maximum N/A R02736+R01528+R00267+R00214
NADPH production rate Minium 98.2 R02736+R01528
ATP production rate Maximum N/A -R01786-R04779+2.5*R01061+R01512+R00200+2.5*R00209
ATP production rate Minium -85.35 -R01786-R04779+2.5*R01061+R01512+R00200+2.5*R00209
NADPH production rate Maximum N/A R02736+R01528+R00267+R00214
NADPH production rate Minium 128.6 R02736+R01528
Growth Condition
Strains Saccharomyces cerevisiae CPB.CR4
Culture medium Initial batch cultivation with 2.5 g/Lglucose and 13g/L xylose was first performed, and then a medium with the same composition as the batch cultivation medium was continuously fed to the bioreactor at a dilution rate of 0.058/h. When steady state was achieved after three residence times, the feeding medium was switched to a medium containing 2.5g glucose (a mixture of 1.65g naturally labelled glucose and 0.85g [1-13C] glucose) and 13g xylose per litre until a new isotopic steady state was achieved after another three residence times (Grotkjar et al., 2004).
Carbon source D-Glucose
Growth rate
Case-specific description Calculated net fluxes in the central metabolism of the xylose fermenting strain CPB.CR4.
Growth Condition
Strains Saccharomyces cerevisiae TMB3001
Culture medium Initial batch cultivation with 2.5 g/Lglucose and 13g/L xylose was first performed, and then a medium with the same composition as the batch cultivation medium was continuously fed to the bioreactor at a dilution rate of 0.058/h. When steady state was achieved after three residence times, the feeding medium was switched to a medium containing 2.5g glucose (a mixture of 1.65g naturally labelled glucose and 0.85g [1-13C] glucose) and 13g xylose per litre until a new isotopic steady state was achieved after another three residence times (Grotkjar et al., 2004).
Carbon source D-Glucose
Growth rate
Case-specific description Calculated net fluxes in the central metabolism of S.cerevisiae for TMB3001.
Specific Rate (mmol g-1 h-1)
Specific Rate (mmol g-1 h-1)