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Biotechnol Prog. 2000 Mar-Apr;16(2):169-75. 13C NMR evidence for pyruvate kinase flux attenuation underlying suppressed acid formation in Bacillus subtilis. Phalakornkule C, Fry B, Zhu T, et al.

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ATP production rate Maximum 329.59 -R01786-R04779+2.5*R01061+R01512+R00200+2.5*R00209
ATP production rate Minium 233.71 -R01786-R04779+2.5*R01061+R01512+R00200+2.5*R00209
NADPH production rate Maximum 233.17 R02736+R01528+R00267+R00214
NADPH production rate Minium 194.82 R02736+R01528
ATP production rate Maximum 597.25 -R01786-R04779+2.5*R01061+R01512+R00200+2.5*R00209
ATP production rate Minium 475.98 -R01786-R04779+2.5*R01061+R01512+R00200+2.5*R00209
NADPH production rate Maximum 91.35 R02736+R01528+R00267+R00214
NADPH production rate Minium 42.84 R02736+R01528
Growth Condition
Strains Bacillus subtilis
Genotype Wild type;tryptophan auxotroph.
Culture medium A 1L portion of media contained 1g of NH4Cl, 0.04g of tryptophan, 1.0g of KH2PO4, 2.72g of K2HPO4, 0.284g of Na2SO4, 0.17g of NaNO3, 0.15g of KCl, 0.049g of MgCl2-6H2O, 2.16mg of FeCl3-6H2O, 0.015g of MnCl2-4H2O, and 0.022g of CaCl2-6H2O. The concentrations of glucose and citrate were 2 and 0.32 g/L,respectively. During the steady-state condition, the carbon sources were switched from natural abundance glucose and citrate to [1-13C]D-glucose and unlabeled citrate.
Carbon source Glucose and citrate
Growth rate 0.4/h
Case-specific description Metabolite trafficking patterns that are predicted by linear programming to confer high carbon yield and agree to within 10% with the observed yield. Flux values correspond to basis growth rate of 0.4/h. The maximized yield solutions also correspond to minimized pyruvate kinase flux.
Growth Condition
Strains Bacillus subtilis
Genotype Wild type;tryptophan auxotroph.
Culture medium A 1L portion of media contained 1g of NH4Cl, 0.04g of tryptophan, 1.0g of KH2PO4, 2.72g of K2HPO4, 0.284g of Na2SO4, 0.17g of NaNO3, 0.15g of KCl, 0.049g of MgCl2-6H2O, 2.16mg of FeCl3-6H2O, 0.015g of MnCl2-4H2O, and 0.022g of CaCl2-6H2O. The concentrations of glucose and citrate were 2 and 0.32 g/L,respectively. During the steady-state condition, the carbon sources were switched from natural abundance glucose and citrate to [1-13C]D-glucose and unlabeled citrate.
Carbon source Glucose and citrate
Growth rate 0.4/h
Case-specific description Metabolite trafficking patterns that are predicted by linear programming to confer high carbon yield and agree to within 10% with the observed yield. Flux values correspond to basis growth rate of 0.4/h. The maximized yield solutions also correspond to minimized hexose monophosphate pathway flux.
Specific Rate (mmol g-1 h-1)
glucose 17.92
citrate 0
Specific Rate (mmol g-1 h-1)
glucose 7.61
citrate 7.13